四言版·夏日最后的玫瑰 Last rose of summer

夏日玫瑰 'Tis the last rose of summer,
独自芬芳 Left blooming alone;
亲爱伙伴 All her lovely companions
皆已凋亡 Are faded and gone;
同类花蕾 No flower of her kindred,
不复在旁 No rosebud is nigh,
映照赧颜 To reflect back her blushes,
回应忧伤 Or give sigh for sigh.

不忍遗汝 I'll not leave thee, thou lone one!
寂寞枯黄 To pine on the stem;
同伴既睡 Since the lovely are sleeping,
汝亦安详 Go, sleep thou with them.
取汝枝叶 Thus kindly I scatter,
散诸花床 Thy leaves o'er the bed,
同园伴侣 Where thy mates of the garden
香消此乡 Lie scentless and dead.

友情既逝 So soon may I follow,
我亦前往 When friendships decay,
爱人指环 And from Love's shining circle
宝石无光 The gems drop away.
真心枯萎 When true hearts lie withered,
柔情失丧 And fond ones are flown,
何余世間 Oh! who would inhabit
饱尝凄凉 This bleak world alone? 

七言版·夏日最后的玫瑰 Last rose of summer

夏日玫瑰独芬芳 'Tis the last rose of summer, left blooming alone;
亲爱伙伴皆凋亡 All her lovely companions are faded and gone;
同类花蕾不复在 No flower of her kindred, no flower of her kindred,
映照赧颜叹忧伤 To reflect back her blushes, or give sigh for sigh.

同伴既睡汝亦寐 I'll not leave thee, thou lone one! to pine on the stem;
不忍遗汝落枯黄 Since the lovely are sleeping, go, sleep thou with them.
取汝花瓣撒花冢 Thus kindly I scatter, thy leaves o'er the bed,
同园伴侣殇此乡 Where thy mates of the garden lie scentless and dead.

友情去时我亦去 So soon may I follow, when friendships decay,
爱人指环玉无光 And from Love's shining circle the gems drop away.
真心枯萎柔情逝 When true hearts lie withered, and fond ones are flown,
何余世間尝凄凉 Oh! who would inhabit this bleak world alone?